A day at the lake: Cainsville’s 6th and 7th grade class traveled to Lake Paho for an educational field trip with Nature Unhooked.

Class takes a trip to Crowder Park: Cainsville’s 8th, 9th, and 10th grade classes visited Crowder Park for their class field trip where they did a variety of things from kayaking, fishing, and learning about one of Missouri’s State Parks.

A visit to the Living History Farms: The Cainsville R-1 kindergarten through 5th grade classes went on a field trip the living history farms on May 12 to see the way people lived and worked in the 1700’s, 1850’s, and 1900’s.
Cainsville, MO: The Cainsville R-I School had a few field trips last week. The kindergarten through 5th grade classes went to the Living History farm.