Bethany, MO: A South Harrison middle school student was awarded a bicycle just in time for the holidays after winning the Bethany Fire Department’s fire tetrahedron essay contest.
The bicycle had been donated to the city earlier in the year and Fire Chief Jacob Denum chose to host an essay contest over the topic of a fire tetrahedron. The fire tetrahedron is a model for understanding the basic ingredients of fires, consisting of four elements: oxygen, heat, fuel, and chemical reaction. Students were tasked with writing an essay over the fire tetrahedron model and their experiences with it.
South Harrison 6th grader Kloe Tallen, daughter of Shyann Tallen, wrote a narrative form essay depicting a first hand experience with a small house fire that broke out when trying to cook pancakes one morning. She was chosen from a large group of 6th grade science students for her well-written essay.