Bethany, MO: Colorful logos decorate the north side of the South Harrison Elementary School after the…
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Sun gazers
Republican-Clipper photos, Phil Conger South Harrison Middle School eighth grader Teagan Willis, using protective glasses, looks…
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State reaches deferred prosecution agreement
Harrison County, MO: A deferred prosecution agreement has been reached between special prosecuting attorney Johnathan Meyer…
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Middle school ‘leaders’ program explained
Bethany, MO: South Harrison Middle School students have been participating in a new program called “Leader…
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South Harrison teams take fourth and fifth place during Trenton relays
Bethany, MO: The South Harrison track team traveled to Trenton on Thursday, April 14, for the…
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School leaders
Bethany, MO: Members of the South Harrison Middle School’s Leader in Me team, accompanied by Principal…
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