Local artist Randy Mann returns to the paintbrush after retirement

Bethany, MO: A local artist in Bethany returns to the canvas after his retirement, picking up…

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Firefighter’s banquet salutes veteran firefighter

Bethany, MO: The Fire Department Banquet was held on February 15th at the firehouse in Bethany.…

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Randy Mann will return to former Bethany council seat

Randy Mann will be unopposed in Tuesday’s Bethany municipal election. He will be returning to his…

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Bethany votes to repair park’s merry-go-round

The Bethany City Council voted Monday night to save Memorial Park’s merry-go-round from the scrap heap.…

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City council enacts rate increase for water, sewer customers

Bethany residents will be feeling the financial bite from the construction of the wastewater treatment plant…

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