West Main Bridge could be completed by end of the year

Bethany, MO: Work will get underway later this year on the construction of the Big Creek…

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Final days for a landmark bridge

Bethany, MO: A thin blanket of snow covers the Big Creek Bridge in West Bethany and…

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Bethany to consider new sidewalk project

As the contractor completes the final stretch of the 39th Street sidewalk, the city of Bethany…

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Carving out a path

Republican-Clipper photoDirt work began last week on the new sidewalk along 39th Street that will connect…

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Complex weather system, increased traffic create challenging weekend travel

Complex weather system, increased traffic create challenging weekend travel JEFFERSON CITY – Heavy rain, a winter…

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MoDOT responds to issues with contract sealing projects in area

Motorists who had damage from loose material adhering to their tires on recently poured sections of…

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