Firefighter’s banquet salutes veteran firefighter

Bethany, MO: The Fire Department Banquet was held on February 15th at the firehouse in Bethany.…

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Promotion ceremony held at firehouse

Bethany, MO: The city of Bethany firefighters held a promotion night at the fire station. Before…

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Dr. Graham rescued from wreck near bank

Bethany, MO: Dr. Bill Graham, 80, who owns a Bethany psychology practice, was taken to the…

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Fire fighters get promoted

Bethany, MO: On Saturday, Aug. 19, two members of the Bethany Fire Department received promotions at…

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Fire crew fills up pool

Bethany, MO: Above is the team of fire fighters who helped fill up the pool on…

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Lest we forget

Bethany, MO: Members of the Bethany Fire Department honored the memory of rescue workers who died…

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