Rogers elected state FFA vice president

Bethany, MO: During the 94th Missouri FFA Convention, Katherine Rogers was named the 2022-2023 State FFA…

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Pattonsburg participates in Ag-FFA contests in Lathrop

Pattonsburg, MO: The Pattonsburg FFA has had a couple of busy months during the months of…

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NHHS takes part in FFA contests

Eagleville, MO: The North Harrison FFA had their first AG contest of the spring CDE season…

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Pattonsburg FFA takes a field trip

Pattonsburg, MO: As part of National FFA Week, the Pattonsburg FFA chapter held various activities throughout…

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Celebrating FFA week

Republican-Clipper photo--South Harrison FFA advisor Katie Harvey, left, accompanied her leadership team to last week’s Rotary…

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Tribute for farmers

Harrison County, MO: Harrison County FFA members are pictured on the front steps of the courthouse…

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