South Harrison’s drive to state derailed by Mid-Buch defense

South Harrison’s multi-headed offense ran into Mid-Buchanan’s stout defense when the Dragons handed the Bulldogs a…

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2019 South Harrison R-II homecoming and parade activities

Republican-Clipper photoBulldogs celebrate homecoming: South Harrison’s homecoming court was recognized during the coronation last Wednesday night…

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South Harrison royal procession and pep rally

Photo by Harmony CornettSouth Harrison homecoming king and queen Collin Haffey and Kooper Jennings ride onto…

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South Harrison 2019 homecoming court

Submitted photoSouth Harrison High School 2019 homecoming is September 23 – 28. The attendants this year…

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Bulldogs come back in final seconds to beat East Buchanan

South Harrison wasn’t about to let victory slip out of its hands for a second year…

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Bulldogs’ title hopes slip away at Milan

Bethany, MO: South Harrison and Milan slogged away for four scoreless quarters on the Wildcats’ muddy…

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