Qualify for regionals: Members of the USA Wrestlers team wear the medals they received for placing among the top six teams. They will compete in the regional meet on Saturday at Winnetonka High School in Kansas City. Pictured from the left are: Front row, Jarrett Eivins, Crae Coffey and Mason Hamilton. Back row, Briar Frame, Jastin Johns and Gradyn Linthacum.
They received the following places: 10 and under 100 pounds, Crae Coffey, second place; 10 and under 150 pounds, Jarrett Eivins, first place. 12 and under 80 pounds, Mason Hamilton, fifth place; 14 and under 110 pounds, Jastin Johns, second place. 14 and under 140 pounds, Briar Frame, first place; 14 and under 175 pounds, Gradyn Linthacum, fourth place.