Matt Richardson, holding the anthers of his deer shot early Saturday morning, poses with the animal before dropping it off to be processed. Matt and his father are from Eagleville, Missouri.

Ryan “Spud” Herzog and his mother Verna Herzog each shot a deer earlier than they expected on the opening day of the deer season. Their only complaint, what to do with the rest of he day. More photos on page 7.

Shane Bishop from Kansas City, Missouri, nabbed two bucks opening weekend.

Gene Frisbee from Cainsville Missouri, shot his buck. He said with a smile, he got his when it was chasing a doe; poor guy had something else on his mind.

Bryon Boggs, from Iowa shot this 162-pound buck on his farm in Mercer.

Tom Shifleff and his friend, both from Kearney, Missouri, ended their season early with two deer shot locally.
Harrison County, MO: Hunting season opened over the weekend and brought in hunters far and wide to harvest Missouri’s bountiful deer.