Charles Crabtree
Charles Crabtree previously served on the City Council. He is a lifelong resident of Harrison County and a graduate of South Harrison High School. He is a retired banker. He is an elder at the First Christian Church. He is a member of the Moila Temple Shrine, Masonic Lodge, Eastern Star and the Bethany Kiwanis Club.Dan Robertson
Dan Robertson grew up in Bethany and attended college at Maryville. He worked most of his life in Kansas City as a supervisor in trucking. He is married to the former Karen Hatten. They have 10 grandchildren. He moved back to Bethany about four years ago.Luke Chamberlin
Luke Chamberlin has lived in Bethany for the past 15 years. He and his wife Christina have four children, two of whom have graduated from South Harrison High School. The youngest two children are freshmen at South Harrison.
Current East Ward Alderman Lance Johns will be leaving his seat on the board to become Bethany’s mayor after the April 6 election. Three candidates have filed for his position.