Promoting liberal arts: The Sky High 4-H Club purchased and installed a new sign for the Liberal Arts Building at the fair. The hope is to bring more visibility to the building that often seems to be overlooked by fairgoers. Within the building, guests will find a culmination of a year’s worth of work and learning that 4-H club members and FFA students have produced. A recent bonus to the building is the Entrepreneurship program where 4-H members have the opportunity to sell their handmade products. In addition to these youth organizations, there are many projects from local artists on display. Pictured are back row, left to right, Korbin Heyle, Parker Rogers, Levi Joyce. Middle row left to right, Logan Joyce, Karis Heyle. Front row left to right: Kaleb Heyle, Lizzie Joyce, Abby Heyle
Bethany, MO: The Northwest Missouri State Fair Board is anticipating large crowds for the 107th annual event which gets underway on Thursday.