Terry Daniel C. F. Rainey Jeremy VanMeter
The three candidates for South Harrison school board were asked to submit answers to questions about various school district issues. Their responses follow.
What are your suggestions for improvements that should be made in school facilities and infrastructure? As an example, do we need to pave the parking areas at the high school and the driveway from the school bus barn to the high school and middle schools? Anything else?
Terry Daniel: Paving the above areas would be a long-term goal for the district. We have already planned to pave the road at the elementary where parents pick up their student(s). Moving from there to the high school, middle school and bus barn road would be something that would be looked at for the future.
C.F. Rainey: I believe that we need to continually be looking at areas that we can improve and maintain our district facilities. Paving our parking lots is a project that in my opinion is long overdue. We have had gravel parking lots for decades and spent large sums on gravel every year that frequently needs replaced. I think we need to look at our buildings, grounds, buses, technology and make sure we aren’t allowing things to deteriorate to a point of failure before fixing or replacing them. We need to be good stewards of taxpayer money and that means maintaining with excellence what we have, as we continue to look to the future and what may need added.
Jeremy VanMeter: This is a difficult area to make guesses in. Paved parking drives would ease many difficulties within the high/middle schools, but without knowing the budget/financial details it would just be wishing. Building towards the future through progressive actions with financial soundness seems to be the best approach towards any major projects.