Republican-Clipper photo
Presenting the facts: Jonnie Beavers, superintendent of the Ridgeway R-5 schools, talks with district patrons about the April 7 bond issue to building a new school gymnasium to replace the closed Field House.Republican-Clipper photo
What happened to homecoming: Matthew Craig, a Ridgway graduate, told the audience that “it doesn’t seem like homecoming if you are playing the game someplace else.”Republican-Clipper photo
Supporting the gymansium: Marissa Meek, student council president, said she has always dreamed of receiving her diploma in her own school gymnasium.
Ridgeway R-5 students, who have been without their own school gymnasium for more than a year, presented an emotional appeal for school patrons to approve a $520,000 bond issue to build a new gymnasium at a community meeting last Wednesday night at the Ridgeway Methodist Church.