Pigeon patrol: Bethany City Administrator Jan Hagler had an unenviable job Thursday afternoon when she was lifted up to look into the sanctuary of pigeons roosting above the tiles on the library’s parking lot. The pigeons, shown above as they flew onto the roof of the garage, have created a bio-hazard area in the ceiling. Kenny Robertson, light department superintendent who earlier looked above the tiles, said the space was littered with pigeon carcasses and guano. Visitors to the parking lot have complained about the noxious odor coming from the pigeon nesting place.
The city has been looking into removing the tiles to discourage the pigeons from using the area. This would involve the disposal of asbestos tiles. Robertson said the wiring in the ceiling has deteriorated. He has suggested that new lights could be installed at the end of the parking lot for community events that are occasionally held under the canopy.