Poster winners: Winners of the North Harrison Elementary School poster contests are, from the left, Taryn Johnson, first place; Destinee Ochoa, second place, and Sadie Edgington, third place.

Junior high essay winners: North Harrison junior high’s essay contest winners are, from the left, Cassoday Richardson, second place; Cotton Osborn, first place, and Hali Smith, third place.

Essay winners: Marie Wyant of the Eagleville American Legion Auxiliary presents awards to high school essay contest winners at the veterans assembly. They are from the left, Brooklyn Lane, second place; Kolton Graham, third place, and Kayka Wilson, first place.

The Land of the Free: North Harrison elementary students wave their flags while singing “This is Still the Land of the Free” during the Veterans Day Assembly in the gymnasium. The choir is led by Julie Capps.

Mr. Zeb Cook, the welding instructor at the NCCC, was the main speaker during South Harrison’s Veterans Day Service. Cook talked about a lot of his experiences within the military and the things he achieved through his career.

The kindergarten class was able to hand out cards to the veterans.
Harrison County, MO: North Harrison students honored the men and women who have served this nation in peacetime and war during the Veterans Day assembly in the school gymnasium.
Saturday, Nov. 11 was Veterans Day, and to honor our veterans before the weekend, the South Harrison high school hosted a Veterans Day service on Friday, November 10, in the South Harrison gymnasium.