Bethany, MO: New teachers are pictured at the start of class at South Harrison. They are: Tina Granier, middle school math: Ryla Faulkner, middle school language arts; Ashley Coleman, third grade; Sarah Findley, high school English and drama; Chelsea Rector, kindergarten; Maddie Crawford, fourth grade social studies; Natalie Morgan, middle school language arts. Back row, Peyton Spurling, middle school PE, Wyatt Creasey, middle school science; Regina Abad-Galvez, para-professional; Kasey McFall, high school social studies; Peighton York, first grade; Mehlford Woods, auto tech; Khol Bounds, high school science; Alethea Guzman, high school math; Hannah Cookson, middle school science, and Kerri Gibson, secretary of career center.–Submitted photo
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