Jazz night draws big crowd: The South Harrison Commons was packed Friday night for the annual Night of Jazz featuring younger jazz musicians, jazz combos and the Big Band. Pictured right are saxophone players Mariah Stanley, a senior, and Kyle Gannan, a junior, who are recognized as two of the top saxophonists in the state. Brass players pictured above, Casey Wilson, Hannah Baker and Tristen Miles, all juniors, also performed during the concert. The music program followed a benefit taco supper sponsored by the Band Boosters.
The South Harrison band groups will take part in the Northwest Missouri State University jazz festival on Friday. The high school combos play starting at 9 a.m.; the high school Big Band takes the stage at 2 p.m.; the two junior high combos start at 2:30 p.m., and the junior high Big Band plays at 4:30 p.m.