One of the many stops on the tours of SH Junior After Prom Tour of Homes was CJ & Sarah Henson’s house, which was being showed off by Griffin Smith, Jasper Hamilton, and Leanna Hamilton.

Showing the Cuddy House during the tour were Ben Brooke, Kaden Brooke, Brandi Brooke, Tricia Spurling, and Lauren Spurling.

Jeremy & Rachel Eivins’ home was the largest of the stops, consisting of the main house, the guest house, and a home to the north side of the property. Showing this home were Karlee Blanton, Ashlee Cannon, Bailey Templeton, Erica Templeton, Alivia Eivins, Rachel Eivins, Attlie Eivins, Aubree Cannon, and in the back row are Lisa Cannon and Missy Blanton.

The Edna Cuddy Memorial House was decorated for the Christmas season during an open house sponsored by the historical society and the South Harrison After-Prom Committee.

Sandy Gibson, Marilyn Huit and Becky Hendren were among the crowd attending the tour at the Cuddy Memorial House on Saturday.