Distributes Capital Credits: Pictured are members of the GRM Networks Board of Directors. Back row from left to right are, Assistant Secretary Ray Meyer, Mike Quick, Secretary Bruce George, Tim Lance and Allan Mulnix. Front row from left to right, Kyle Kelso, Vice President Mark Yungeberg, President Gregg Davis and Treasurer John McCloud.
Harrison County, MO: The GRM Networks Board of Directors has authorized the return of approximately $3 million in patronage capital credits to its member-owners. This includes $2.5 million paid to members with service in 1998 and $500,000 paid to members with service in 2020. This year, GRM Networks has also returned more than $2.4 million to the estates of deceased members. Combined, a grand total of more than $5.4 million will be returned to members, or their estates, in 2021.