Pictured above are members of the Harrison County Historical Society of Bethany, Missouri, along with GRM Networks Customer Service Representative Katlynn Stevens, center. From left to right on the front row are Becky Turley, Stevens and Greg Hagan. On the back row, left to right, are Ethan Mann, Debbie Nalle, Leslie Kelim and Linda Sanders. The Historical Society will use their $1,000 grant to purchase a laptop computer, software, scanner and external hard drive to store historical documents and images preserving them for future generations.
Harrison County, MO: GRM Networks has awarded a total of $3,750 as part of the company’s Community Improvement Grant program. Organizations receiving funding for the first 2022 semiannual distribution included the Harrison County Historical Society in Bethany, Missouri, the Lamoni Food Pantry in Lamoni, Iowa, and the Princeton, Missouri, Chamber of Commerce. Each of these organizations received $1,000 grants. Receiving a $750 grant was the City of Pleasanton, Iowa.