Fire destroys home east of town


Republican-Clipper photo
Firefighters attempt to beat back flames shooting out of the roof of the Alan Guernsey home, east of Bethany, on Monday evening. The firemen shuttled several tank loads of water to the scene in an attempt to put out the fire but couldn’t save the structure. There is no fire hydrant near the home which is outside the city limits. “The tankers couldn’t keep up with the hoses,” said Fire Chief David Kinnison. The fire department received notification at about 4 p.m. that there was a fire in the attic. Firefighters were called in from North Harrison, Pattonsburg and Cainsville. The fire got into the roof by about 4:30 p.m. and spread through the home. The firemen stayed on the scene until about 11:30 p.m. Freezing temperatures hampered the firefighting operation through the night.

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