Advanced to add recycling to contract


recycle-logoAdvanced Disposal will include an option for curbside recycling in its proposed contract to collect solid waste in Bethany for the next five years.

Dan Buckley, regional manager for the Macon-based company, said Advanced plans to add recycling to its local services without any additional cost to the city. Buckley said the company would collect recyclable material such as paper, cans, plastic bottles every other Wednesday.

Advanced currently has recycle bins at its transfer station on Roleke Drive where area residents may drop off their items. Under the contract proposal, local residents would be able to set out their recycling on the curb to be picked up on alternate Wednesdays.

Buckley said despite the greater convenience, he expects that only a small percentage of customers will separate material from their household waste, based upon the experience in other communities where Advanced has offered recycling.

The company sends its recycling to the Hope Haven sheltered workshop in Chillicothe for sorting. Westward Councilman Steve Miles said he would like to get the Harrison County Sheltered Workshop involved in accepting some of the paper and cardboard.

Advanced will submit its proposal for a five-year extension of its contract later in the month.

City Administrator Jan Hagler said the city’s recent auction of vehicles and equipment brought a total of $8,318.55. A total of 12 bids were received on the items which included pickup trucks that previously had been used by city departments. PeopleService, which has its own vehicles, has taken over water and sewer maintenance for the city.

The Bethany Community Foundation plans to purchase new banners for light poles in downtown Bethany, Hagler told the council. The foundation recently constructed a new walking bridge to access the Boy Scout trail, east of Babe Adams Field in the park addition.

Fire Chief Jacob Denum said the fire department will have to replace 43 air packs by the year 2023 in compliance with fire regulations. The cost will be approximately $43,000. Council members said the city should begin replacing a few bottles a year to reach the 43 level.

The fire department had 13 calls during the month of September, Denum told the council. These included two calls in Bethany, two mutual aid calls in New Hampton and mutual aid calls to Eagleville, Gilman City, Ridgeway and the interstate.

In other business:

lSome 38 LED street lights will be installed under next year’s electrical project along 41st Street and 25th Street from Oakland to Bulldog Avenue.

lThe council gave permission for Central Street to be closed between 16th and 17th Streets on Saturday afternoon for a Boo Bash fundraiser to support the Green Hills pre-school.

lDollar General Store is expected to begin pouring concrete for its new store at the Wye later in the week, according to Jan Hagler.

lThe council moved its next meeting date to Thursday, Oct. 22.

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